The best part of Halloween for the Nester Family this year is getting our first round of trick-or-treating in the new neighborhood. The kids are in heaven over the whole idea, it almost seems too good to be true to them. They even have a costume parade for the kids. After spending some time with our new neighbors at the Fall Party, we already feel like we are home. So tonight, we kicked off our Halloween celebration with our pumpkin carving contest..well, it's a contest to me. Everyone else does it for "fun." I'm kidding. Brad has come a lonnnnng way with his pumpkin carving skills. I remember the first year (1999) in our new home in Redford, I brought home the pumpkins to carve and I had to actually scoop the guts out for him. He now does it himself. I'm so proud. The kids had a blast and poor Little B was still feeling a little under the weather and was in bed, so I carved my pumpkin in honor of him. As for the contest......Owen won this year.
Happy Halloween Everyone!! May the Force Be With You!