A new chapter in our lives. In lieu of being able to sell our house right now, we decided to lease it out. It doesn't feel like a failure because we didn't sell, we just chose another direction...a 'detour', if you will. Like I have stated before, Brad and I have conquered many challenges in our lives together. It seems that no matter what is put before us we always find a way to bend, twist, and figure out how to make things happen. I guess they call that flexibility and I would think that is a positive attribute. So the papers were signed and two weeks later, off we were to the "Transitional Housing Unit." So far, so good.
Even though the move is something that we've dreamed of for a long time, it has been bittersweet. The Woodworth House was our beginning. We settled there as a couple looking to our future, returned to it after our honeymoon, started raising our family and held many family gatherings. It was our home and the only home that our kids have known. All three of our children celebrated their First Birthday's there, not to mention all of the other 'firsts' that have encircled their lives. First steps, first ice cream cone, first skinned knee. I honestly couldn't imagine having any of those 'firsts' anywhere else. That was our home, it always welcomed us and brought us comfort. Even some of the not so wonderful life events, the Woodworth House was a 'safe' place for us. And now it seems that the next chapter is beginning for us. We may have left behind the place where we once lived and began our life together, but the home that provided the foundation for our family will always be dear to us.
This year was the first year since Brad and I have been together that we didn't make it Up North (in some shape or form) for our 4th of July week-long vacation. In the past, even having a 2 week old baby hasn't even been able to stop us from going (although it was a long car ride as new parents, but so worth it). So it was a strange feeling to be home. We put Beezer down for bed and let Owen and Avery stay up with us on our last night in the house. Brad got a fire going in our 'city fire pit,' we had Hot Shmoes (S'Mores -- the kids call 'em Shmoes), and Mom and Dad had some beverages to take the edge off. It was really a great night. The kids talked about some of their favorite memories in the house, what they'll miss and what they are looking forward to. Brad and I sat back and watched as they caught fireflies for the last time in that backyard, something they've always loved to do. Later on, Brad broke out the 'big guns' and started with his fireworks display. I say that lightly because he purchased the fireworks from Kroger...good Michigan-safe fireworks. After he lit the first 'fountain-type' one Avery said, "That's it?? Those stink!" We couldn't help but laugh because all she has ever seen are the fireworks at the Livonia Spree and the fireworks display the Gonos' Family have each year at Higgins Lake. We got a good laugh out of it, as each time Brad lit the next one and it was over the response from both was "LAME!" A wonderful memory to have of our last night in the Woodworth House....
Brad's Fireworks Display -- OOOH, AHHHH!
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