Without further adieu dear friends and family, The New Nest has a roof! It took them one whole day to git 'er done. We also had a chance to talk to one of the builders (one of the bosses) today. He said that we should be in by late November, first of December without a problem! Looks like we'll be spending our first Christmas in The New Nest in '09! Yeah!!!!! Santa now has a chimney to come down, instead of the 'special magic key' we used to hang on the door for him.
We will send some more updates mid-week, as the windows will be in TOMORROW!! After the windows go in and the shingles are put on, it won't look like much but 2x4's in pics we take inside...but you can bet we'll be taking some anyway. Thanks to all of our friends and family that have sent their well wishes and excitement our way! This is really a wonderful time for us and we look forward to having lots of gatherings and celebrations....yes, we plan on getting grass as soon as we can in the spring. If not, we'll just move the party across the street to the Percy's or the Whalen's...they won't mind ;)

...till next time.
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