Well, it just occurred to me this morning that Mr. B is 18 months old today. Wow..where has the time gone? It's easy in the day-to-day grind to remember that he is still a baby. I know that sounds weird, but he just goes with the flow so it's easy to lose sight of that.
Not much has changed as far as his fascination with Cars...the Pixar Cars, any cars. He LOVES cars. He also got his first look at Thomas the Tank Engine. Guess it's time to send Daddy into the storage unit to dig out Owen's old Thomas stuff. Brendan still isn't saying a whole lot but is very good at shooting out random words. The other day I went through Tim Horton's to grab a coffee and he yelled out from the backseat "DONUT!!" I guess that's really kind of bad that he can already make that association. If Avery would have been with us, there would have been a 10-pack of Timbits in the car with us. Brendan knows what the box looks like. Oh well, could be worse things. He has also started to recently run around the house saying "Mommyyyy, Mommmyyyy!" It sounds so cute and I just melt. He's been running around saying the same thing with Daddy and I was starting to get a bit jealous. What's up with that?
We are really getting a kick out of him and his babbling. He has so much to say and is literally having a conversation with us..but we just can't totally get what he is saying. There is so much emotion and his voice changes in excitement....but it definitely doesn't sound like English. Brad is convinced that he'll just start talking in full sentences one day. Brendan also loves to try and sing along with us. He sings the Alphabet song which sounds like "A-E, A-E, A-E, AAAA", but he has the tune down to a tee. He also loves the Beatles song "Here Comes the Sun" and hums along with me when I sing it to him at night.
In a nutshell, these past 18 months with him have been wonderful. He was a special gift that was sent to us and made us complete. Brad and I were just talking the other night about how in the midst of all the things we had to go through....we have truly been blessed. My Mom has always told me that "Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy" and I believe that to be 100% true. Even with all of the sadness and uncertainty that we experienced, we wouldn't change the way things went. Brendan has made a lot of those old wounds heal......
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