We have 10 days left. Ten days until we can finally call the house on Daria Circle 'home'. It really did go by fast, a lot faster than we thought it would. So we continue to cross off each day on our countdown calendar, knowing that we only have one more weekend in this apartment. Only two more weeks of having to park one building down because when I get home from work at midnight, there are no more parking spots by our building! Two more weeks of lugging groceries up the stairs and doing laundry out of a closet, while leaning over the garbage can and returnables. It is going to feel like pure heaven to be back in a house. We found out that our neighbors are closing on the 12th, but moving in the same weekend we are (the 20th - 22nd). It's funny how when you're childless (like our neighbors), you take the time in your new home to put up the ceiling fans and get some things taken care of before you move in. When you are a family of 5 in a 3 bedroom apartment, you show up to closing with the van packed to the gills! We're busting out the inflatable mattresses folks! The Nester Family will be sleeping in our new digs as of the 20th.....whatever it takes!! You can go ahead and call us crazy.....yep, we are and so what.
Brad 'measuring' for the mirrors we're going to install. We were wondering how much you like the outlet that they decided to just place through the mirror. Why move an outlet when you can just cut a hole in a mirror?? Wow. They'll be fixing that!

Looking forward to some relaxation.....
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