Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Lessons in Democracy
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Back to Business

In a nutshell, Owen is just doing a fabulous job in 1st grade. He is bored out of his mind because most of the work they are doing right now is stuff that he did in the beginning of Kindergarten. Hopefully the teacher will get the evaluation phase over with and begin to give him things that challenge him. He's ready to learn something new. As far as making new friends, he's off to a great start. The other morning the bus pulled up to the corner, the doors opened, and the first thing we hear is the sound of several children scream "OWEN!!!" The bus driver shook her head and said to me, "he's a popular guy on this bus." Great. Does that mean as in 'has many friends' or 'can do disgusting things that entertain fellow 6 year old passengers?' I guess we'll have to wait and see.
The monkey in the middle, Miss Avery, is having a fantastic time in her preschool class and wishes that she could go "5 days in a row." The teacher has connected with her in a big way and that makes Mom very happy. She is having so much fun making new friends and getting to do all of the big kid stuff that she has seen Owen do. The only sad part is that she misses Owen so much. She's had him around to play with all day, every day since the day she was born. It's a big adjustment for her.
So that's it for now. We'll be posting soon and sharing all of our pics from this crazy summer. Until next time....
Friday, August 29, 2008
Where does time go??
Owen starts first grade next week. Dad is excited, but nervous. I guess it's a nervous/excitement he has for Owen? Mom is just a plain wreck. There, I laid it out on the table. I don't care if it makes me seem weak or needy, the plain truth is that my BABY is going to first grade. Have I cried? Heck yeah, I did last night as I rocked little B to sleep. I couldn't help but think about how it seems that I was doing the very same thing with Owen not so long ago. It is difficult to believe that six years have gone by so quick. I know that I have told many, many of my friends pregnant with their first to cherish each moment. Any time that you feel frustrated and it makes you think "Oh, I can't wait until he/she can.....(walk, talk, entertain themselves)", stop yourself and just cherish the moment. Even if at that moment you want to knock yourself out to spare the agony of whatever is going on. My own Mother gave me that advice, along with pretty much every other veteran Mom that I have encountered in my life. You have your first child and you think, "I have 5 years to watch him/her grow and to be a part of every moment that I can." At the time you truly do not understand just how fast it goes. But I guess that is what happens and then we, as veteran Moms, pass along the advice to the new Moms..and then watch them do the same things we did.
Of course I am proud that he is moving forward. I am proud to know that he'll succeed and that he'll make lots of new friends but....I know that I will miss him. I will miss the hugs after lunch, the morning snuggles in the winter, and being able to just take off and do things together any time of the day. I am sure that this will be the scenario after his first full week of school: Avery, B, and I sitting around after he departs for school again, staring blankly at each other. Avery not having him to play dress up with, B not having the noise associated with said "dress up" activities, and Mom knowing that Avery's departure to becoming a 'big kid' is just around the corner....
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Little B
Don't you just want to eat him!! Babies are so edible. Brendan just turned 4 months old this past Sunday. We cannot believe the time is flying by even faster than it did with Owen and Avery! He is still a lovable little guy with a great smile and lots of energy. About a month ago, he began the teething process. So after huge amounts of drool and some intermittent fussiness, the two little pearls that are under his swollen gums have not reared their ugly heads. Poor guy. We think that they'll make their appearance in the next month or so for sure.
Thursday, July 3, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Three are indeed a blessing...
Friday, May 30, 2008
We're still here......
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Brand New Little Nester

Monday, April 7, 2008
Welcome to our family blog...
So, without further adieu... we welcome you all to The Nesters' Nest.