Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Busy. Nothing new here in this household. We've been trying to get some things squared away before Tonia goes back to work, which is just around the corner. It is so hard to believe that four months have gone by so fast..the first two were a little blurry, anyway.

So, Owen finished Kindergarten with flying colors. That kid is one smart cookie (now we are going to gloat for a moment). He managed to learn a whopping 225 sight words this year! The teacher tested the class on sight words with a list that is typically given to children during the middle of their first grade year. Sight words are words that they can identify in about a second, without having to sound out the word. The teacher was very impressed by his reading ability, as well as his sharp mathematical skills. He's going to need that math because he has decided that he wants to build and paint cars when he grows up (kind of like Chip Foos)...sounds like a little engineer to us! Now we are just enjoying his summer off and trying not to think about the fact that he'll be gone all day come fall (Mommy is already having separation anxiety).

Then there is Miss Avery. She has been enjoying having her brother home all day to fight, I mean play with. She really loves the summer because it means that she can wear dresses everyday, which is the best thing in the world to her. That and her pink Crocs that have been well worth the money..they practically have holes in the bottom of them because she has worn them so much (second summer). And to go along with the dresses, she always has a pair of matching princess bandages on her knees. You won't see her sitting around playing dolls or picking dandelions. Avery is always in the mix, running around, having fun, and of course skinning her knees.

Finally we have Little B. He just turned 3 months old and is just a perfect baby. Seriously, we really mean it. The typical 'rough spots' that all parents go through with newborns were very short lived with him. He eats (and poops) like a champ and sleeps like a rock. Woo hoo! He is very predictable with his 'schedule' and just generally very happy all-around, talking away and giggling at his big brother and big sissy. Yeah, he'll be a busy little one when he gets mobile, but this Mom and Dad don't even flinch at that thought...remember, we have Miss Avery :) We've been there...and then some.

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