So everyone that truly knows Owen, knows that he loves hot rods, muscle cars, and basically anything that goes fast with 4 wheels. He's already told us that he wants to buy his 'hot rod' now and start working on it, so that when he turns 16 it'll be ready to drive. He really has become a little 'gear head' which is no big surprise. His Great Grandpa was an Engineer for Ford and his Grandpa Greg was an Engineer for Ford, as well (not to mention building/working on classic cars his whole life...and racing one or two down the drag strip 'back in the day'). It's in Owen's blood. We got a phone call around 6:00 p.m. the other night from Grandpa Greg, "Hey, is it too short of a notice to come by with the Mach I and take Owen for a ride?" Of course, I put the phone aside and ask Owen, "Do you want to go for a ride in the Mach I?", to which he replies "YEAH!!!!!!!" So Grandpa came by and Owen's eyes just lit up when he saw the car...and then we heard Avery come running up as well, "Woo Hoo! I want to go for a ride, too!" It was an amazing moment for all of us. I could see the pride in my Dad's eyes and the ear-to-ear grin that he had, as the kids laughed and squealed with excitement from the backseat. It was definitely a moment that he'll always remember and the kids will look forward to again and again. Cruisin' with Grandpa Greg....well, and a few peel-outs, too ;)
Glad to see you're back on the blog, and glad to hear everyone's doing well. Hope we can see you this fall. Maybe a trip to MSU for a football game? Just throwing it out there. Anyway, take care and we'll talk soon.
Love all the pics and updates.
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