Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lessons in Democracy

As everyone knows, today is a very important day in our Nation's history. We have the opportunity today to make history, no matter what side you are on. Brad and I have been talking to the kids about what it means to vote and what it means to have your voice heard in this country. We have talked to them about how important it is to make their own choices about who is right for them. The last thing that we want is for our children to follow a particular party or agenda, just because that is what we do. It makes me sad when I hear someone talking about a particular candidate or issue, only to find that they really don't understand just why they are for that person/issue/party. We don't want them to have OUR voice, we want them to have THEIR own voice. Owen came home from school yesterday and told us that he asked his teacher if they could vote for president in their class. He then lead the class in a vote and told us, "Eleven kids held their hands up for McCain and fifteen held their hands up for 'Rock Obama'!" It was a proud moment for us to hear the excitement of a six year old talking about a Presidential Election. However the polls turn out, whomever wins, history is being made today. The future voters see this and we need to keep setting a good example for them, no matter what side you are on. Brad and I both have faith in this country and faith in the people to do the right thing. Above all, we have 'hope' for our children's future.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Back to Business

School is back in session, soccer has begun, and all of the usual running from place-to-place is in full swing. I hate to admit it, but having a 'schedule' again is a welcome reprieve after all of the running we do all summer. I guess you could say that summer is 'chaos' and the school year is 'organized chaos.' Any way you look at it we are knee deep in chaos. Secretly, I think that Brad and I both love it...how dull would our lives be without it?

In a nutshell, Owen is just doing a fabulous job in 1st grade. He is bored out of his mind because most of the work they are doing right now is stuff that he did in the beginning of Kindergarten. Hopefully the teacher will get the evaluation phase over with and begin to give him things that challenge him. He's ready to learn something new. As far as making new friends, he's off to a great start. The other morning the bus pulled up to the corner, the doors opened, and the first thing we hear is the sound of several children scream "OWEN!!!" The bus driver shook her head and said to me, "he's a popular guy on this bus." Great. Does that mean as in 'has many friends' or 'can do disgusting things that entertain fellow 6 year old passengers?' I guess we'll have to wait and see.

The monkey in the middle, Miss Avery, is having a fantastic time in her preschool class and wishes that she could go "5 days in a row." The teacher has connected with her in a big way and that makes Mom very happy. She is having so much fun making new friends and getting to do all of the big kid stuff that she has seen Owen do. The only sad part is that she misses Owen so much. She's had him around to play with all day, every day since the day she was born. It's a big adjustment for her.

And last, but certainly not least, Little B. Brendan is just a happy camper, as usual. I think the only time that we see him fussy or out-of-sorts is when he is getting sick or he is sleepy. Other than that, Little B is full of smiles, squeals, and plenty of 'raspberries.' He did manage to cut his two bottom teeth through right on schedule. Now all three of our children have had two teeth at 5 1/2 months. It looks like he is working on cutting the top two as we speak. We are just amazed every single day at how much he has changed. It is unbelievable to think that he's been with us for half a year. HALF A YEAR! So, we are just going to continue to enjoy each moment and watch him grow. We are sooooooooooooo lucky that he is such a good baby...so very lucky.

So that's it for now. We'll be posting soon and sharing all of our pics from this crazy summer. Until next time....

Friday, August 29, 2008

Where does time go??

Ugh. This summer just flew by. We are scratching our heads wondering how this summer went by even faster than it did last year. I've always heard that once you have children, your life seems to slip by quicker. I have really begun to understand that, now that "B" is here. It just seems like you blink and they're off to first grade...which is my segway into the next paragraph.

Owen starts first grade next week. Dad is excited, but nervous. I guess it's a nervous/excitement he has for Owen? Mom is just a plain wreck. There, I laid it out on the table. I don't care if it makes me seem weak or needy, the plain truth is that my BABY is going to first grade. Have I cried? Heck yeah, I did last night as I rocked little B to sleep. I couldn't help but think about how it seems that I was doing the very same thing with Owen not so long ago. It is difficult to believe that six years have gone by so quick. I know that I have told many, many of my friends pregnant with their first to cherish each moment. Any time that you feel frustrated and it makes you think "Oh, I can't wait until he/she can.....(walk, talk, entertain themselves)", stop yourself and just cherish the moment. Even if at that moment you want to knock yourself out to spare the agony of whatever is going on. My own Mother gave me that advice, along with pretty much every other veteran Mom that I have encountered in my life. You have your first child and you think, "I have 5 years to watch him/her grow and to be a part of every moment that I can." At the time you truly do not understand just how fast it goes. But I guess that is what happens and then we, as veteran Moms, pass along the advice to the new Moms..and then watch them do the same things we did.

Of course I am proud that he is moving forward. I am proud to know that he'll succeed and that he'll make lots of new friends but....I know that I will miss him. I will miss the hugs after lunch, the morning snuggles in the winter, and being able to just take off and do things together any time of the day. I am sure that this will be the scenario after his first full week of school: Avery, B, and I sitting around after he departs for school again, staring blankly at each other. Avery not having him to play dress up with, B not having the noise associated with said "dress up" activities, and Mom knowing that Avery's departure to becoming a 'big kid' is just around the corner....

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Little B

Little B in his sling....his favorite place to hang out

Don't you just want to eat him!! Babies are so edible. Brendan just turned 4 months old this past Sunday. We cannot believe the time is flying by even faster than it did with Owen and Avery! He is still a lovable little guy with a great smile and lots of energy. About a month ago, he began the teething process. So after huge amounts of drool and some intermittent fussiness, the two little pearls that are under his swollen gums have not reared their ugly heads. Poor guy. We think that they'll make their appearance in the next month or so for sure.

As for the adjustment with Mom going back to work two weeks ago, he's been minimally phased by it. Takes a bottle like a champ (unlike some female child of ours that we shall not name in this post) and the 9pm - 6:00 am block of sleep that we have been so very blessed with since he was 2 1/2 months old has remained -- OH JOY! Mom loves that more than you know. It helps out tons when she doesn't get to bed until 1 a.m. on work nights. Mom is finding that her bedtime is a bit earlier than it used to be, since B was born...must be a 'getting older' thing.

As you can probably guess, the biggest adjustment with Mom going back to work has been for Mom and Dad....juggling the 'schedules' and making sure that the kids' daily routine runs as smooth as possible. We're doing a fine job so far, but it's going to take some time before it runs really smooth. And Dad is doing an awesome job with the kids at home, as always. He's the best! By the time things start falling into place here, it'll be time to shake things up again with the start of the school year. Owen going to first grade (frown) and Miss Avery beginning her first year of preschool (which she is soooooo excited about). We'll be updating the blog over the weekend with some 'summer fun' pics and some great stories. Until then....

Thursday, July 3, 2008


So everyone that truly knows Owen, knows that he loves hot rods, muscle cars, and basically anything that goes fast with 4 wheels. He's already told us that he wants to buy his 'hot rod' now and start working on it, so that when he turns 16 it'll be ready to drive. He really has become a little 'gear head' which is no big surprise. His Great Grandpa was an Engineer for Ford and his Grandpa Greg was an Engineer for Ford, as well (not to mention building/working on classic cars his whole life...and racing one or two down the drag strip 'back in the day'). It's in Owen's blood. We got a phone call around 6:00 p.m. the other night from Grandpa Greg, "Hey, is it too short of a notice to come by with the Mach I and take Owen for a ride?" Of course, I put the phone aside and ask Owen, "Do you want to go for a ride in the Mach I?", to which he replies "YEAH!!!!!!!" So Grandpa came by and Owen's eyes just lit up when he saw the car...and then we heard Avery come running up as well, "Woo Hoo! I want to go for a ride, too!" It was an amazing moment for all of us. I could see the pride in my Dad's eyes and the ear-to-ear grin that he had, as the kids laughed and squealed with excitement from the backseat. It was definitely a moment that he'll always remember and the kids will look forward to again and again. Cruisin' with Grandpa Greg....well, and a few peel-outs, too ;)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Busy. Nothing new here in this household. We've been trying to get some things squared away before Tonia goes back to work, which is just around the corner. It is so hard to believe that four months have gone by so fast..the first two were a little blurry, anyway.

So, Owen finished Kindergarten with flying colors. That kid is one smart cookie (now we are going to gloat for a moment). He managed to learn a whopping 225 sight words this year! The teacher tested the class on sight words with a list that is typically given to children during the middle of their first grade year. Sight words are words that they can identify in about a second, without having to sound out the word. The teacher was very impressed by his reading ability, as well as his sharp mathematical skills. He's going to need that math because he has decided that he wants to build and paint cars when he grows up (kind of like Chip Foos)...sounds like a little engineer to us! Now we are just enjoying his summer off and trying not to think about the fact that he'll be gone all day come fall (Mommy is already having separation anxiety).

Then there is Miss Avery. She has been enjoying having her brother home all day to fight, I mean play with. She really loves the summer because it means that she can wear dresses everyday, which is the best thing in the world to her. That and her pink Crocs that have been well worth the money..they practically have holes in the bottom of them because she has worn them so much (second summer). And to go along with the dresses, she always has a pair of matching princess bandages on her knees. You won't see her sitting around playing dolls or picking dandelions. Avery is always in the mix, running around, having fun, and of course skinning her knees.

Finally we have Little B. He just turned 3 months old and is just a perfect baby. Seriously, we really mean it. The typical 'rough spots' that all parents go through with newborns were very short lived with him. He eats (and poops) like a champ and sleeps like a rock. Woo hoo! He is very predictable with his 'schedule' and just generally very happy all-around, talking away and giggling at his big brother and big sissy. Yeah, he'll be a busy little one when he gets mobile, but this Mom and Dad don't even flinch at that thought...remember, we have Miss Avery :) We've been there...and then some.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Three are indeed a blessing...

Everyday it becomes even more clear just how blessed we are to have our 3 beautiful children. It is amazing to watch Owen and Avery interact with Brendan and even more amazing seeing him respond. Though some days may seem a little longer as of late, we wouldn't trade any of it for the world. These are our 'beautiful little treasures' and we look forward to growing together......

Friday, May 30, 2008

We're still here......

You may have (or may not) have wondered where we went? Well, we have just been saving up all the 'bloggy goodness' for one fantastic post! Seriously, we've been tired and taking care of Little B and the kiddos. Things are going very well and just about the only thing that has really changed is the lack of sleep. I mean, that is a pretty major thing, but we have managed very well and still have managed to keep life going as it was. I think we adapt pretty well. I think the biggest change that has happened is that taking care of Brendan has allowed Owen and Avery ample time to beat the crap out of each other at any given moment. Siblings. Don't you love them? Now I think I know how the Nester household was with Brad terrorizing Beth all those years growing up. Owen knows how to push Avery's buttons, the ones that usually result in that ear piercing scream you have all heard. But God love her, she is a quick-witted little gal. She can come right back and knock Owen back in his place. Sometimes literally knock him into place, which we tell her isn't a very nice thing to do. So, keep an eye out for a new and exciting chapter to our growing family saga. We have some great pics from Holland/Tulip Time where my wonderful dear hubby Brad surprised me with a weekend trip for our anniversary (it has been 7 YEARS). Also - we can't wait to share new pics of Brendan. He is changing so fast... We are making sure to watch each moment closely, even if I have to pry my eyelids open from the lack of sleep. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Brand New Little Nester

We welcomed our third "little Nester" into our family March 27th at 3:51 pm. Brendan David Nester. He was a whopping 7lbs. 9oz. and 19in. long. Just one inch shorter than big brother Owen. We feel very blessed and happy to have three healthy and beautiful children.

I've nicknamed him "Little B", Tonia calls him her "little monkey", Owen says "he's sooo cute" and Avery still calls him "Fred". I'm sure he'll be able to keep all his nicknames straight soon enough.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Welcome to our family blog...

We wanted to try and keep an up to date journal of our family's growth and hopefully create a place for everyone to check up on us... if anyone has ever wondered how we're doing. If not, don't bother coming back, we probably don't want you to know anyway. :)

So, without further adieu... we welcome you all to The Nesters' Nest.