Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Halloween!

It is our favorite time of the year. A time to decorate the house, carve the pumpkins, sip on some warm cider (we hear Kevin likes cider) and enjoy a little trick-or-treating with the kids. It's been a little different being in the apartment this year, but we definitely have the best decorated balcony in the building! We have our lights up and our usual Halloween decor' hanging up. It makes it feel like 'home'....well, as much as it possibly can. We even decorated the outside of our door with a yellow caution tape that reads "Caution - Enter at your own risk" and a hanging skeleton...which we seem to keep finding in some fairly suggestive positions every morning. The kids get a kick out of it anyway (it is kind of funny).
The best part of Halloween for the Nester Family this year is getting our first round of trick-or-treating in the new neighborhood. The kids are in heaven over the whole idea, it almost seems too good to be true to them. They even have a costume parade for the kids. After spending some time with our new neighbors at the Fall Party, we already feel like we are home. So tonight, we kicked off our Halloween celebration with our pumpkin carving contest..well, it's a contest to me. Everyone else does it for "fun." I'm kidding. Brad has come a lonnnnng way with his pumpkin carving skills. I remember the first year (1999) in our new home in Redford, I brought home the pumpkins to carve and I had to actually scoop the guts out for him. He now does it himself. I'm so proud. The kids had a blast and poor Little B was still feeling a little under the weather and was in bed, so I carved my pumpkin in honor of him. As for the contest......Owen won this year.

Happy Halloween Everyone!! May the Force Be With You!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's official

It is official. Brad got the call today from the secretary at the office that we'll be having our final walk-through on the 17th of November....and closing for sure on the 20th. So that leaves us with 28 days in this apartment. The first thing we did when we got the news was print off a countdown calendar and taped it up on the wall by the pictures of the house. I had the opportunity yesterday to walk through with the 'nice' Canzano Brother. He showed me around and told me what they did and what was going to be done soon. It's amazing. It is way above what we imagined and is really going to be the perfect place for us to be for the next 30+ years. Brad and I are both super excited to have everyone over to celebrate with us! We're thinking we can maybe squeak a little party in between Thanksgiving and Christmas? Let us know who is in!
I foresee this scenario in our near future......We'll have lots of room and sofa sleepers. Bring your sleeping bag!! We'll have 'Waffle Bar Sunday'....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's almost here.

Not too much to say. Just counting down the days 'till we are in the New Nest. We got a little insider info that tells us the closing day will be November 20th. It's almost here......

(insert ear-to-ear-grin here)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Moving right along.

The move-in date appears to be upon the horizon. This whole apartment thing is near the end. It hasn't really been all that horrible but it is definitely something we don't want to do again. I mean, our bedroom is bigger in this apartment than it was in the Redford house...and we have a master bath to boot....but we're done. This one-floor-living-plan is for the birds.

The mortgage app is already rolling and into place, the only thing we are waiting on is an exact closing date. One of the neighbors that just moved in last week actually closed a week earlier than they had planned. That would be dandy. Brad and I still feel that we have to pinch ourselves when we see what we have to look forward to. It's been so amazing for the kids, especially Owen. He is now riding the bus to and from the neighborhood with the Percy and Whalen kids. That 'gang' is going to be so much fun to watch grow up together. Brad said the other day they all got off the bus singing Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' and sang it all the way down the sidewalk to the Percy's. I guess the bus driver has been playing them music on the way home (Kidz Bop, etc.). The Percy's also built a stage in their basement, so that they have a place to perform. I'm sure we'll get some great footage to embarrass them with when they get older.
So brace yourself friends and family, the 'The Nester Nest Party' is coming soon. I can't wait to cook for everyone and Brad can't wait to serve all the frosty, adult beverages.

The driveway, sidewalk and porch are all poured and ready to go.

They've started to install the railing....

and the kitchen cabinets are in.

There are so many more pics to post but our computer is still acting goofy. Sorry these are so small...can't figure out why right now. Hope you can see them OK.

...more to come