Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lessons in Democracy

As everyone knows, today is a very important day in our Nation's history. We have the opportunity today to make history, no matter what side you are on. Brad and I have been talking to the kids about what it means to vote and what it means to have your voice heard in this country. We have talked to them about how important it is to make their own choices about who is right for them. The last thing that we want is for our children to follow a particular party or agenda, just because that is what we do. It makes me sad when I hear someone talking about a particular candidate or issue, only to find that they really don't understand just why they are for that person/issue/party. We don't want them to have OUR voice, we want them to have THEIR own voice. Owen came home from school yesterday and told us that he asked his teacher if they could vote for president in their class. He then lead the class in a vote and told us, "Eleven kids held their hands up for McCain and fifteen held their hands up for 'Rock Obama'!" It was a proud moment for us to hear the excitement of a six year old talking about a Presidential Election. However the polls turn out, whomever wins, history is being made today. The future voters see this and we need to keep setting a good example for them, no matter what side you are on. Brad and I both have faith in this country and faith in the people to do the right thing. Above all, we have 'hope' for our children's future.