Wednesday, November 18, 2009

So there is roughly 11 hours and 28 minutes until we close...roughly

It is literally the final hours before we close on the house. It was sooooo difficult to leave yesterday after the final walk-through. We threatened the builder that we weren't leaving and just might be 'squatters' until noon on Friday. He just laughed at our silliness and we were like, "no, really." Everything looks good, just a few minor cosmetic things...oh and a few fixtures that didn't come in yet so we're stuck with some pretty fancy polished brass ones. Luckily they are in the closets and at this point, whatever they have to put up right now just to get the certificate of occupancy, we're fine with. I guess that is par for the course in the neighborhood, as pretty much everyone we've talked to went into their new home sans a few fixtures.

As of now, we have one more night in the apartment. One more night. We told the kids before bed tonight that the quicker they fell asleep, the quicker tomorrow would worked. They've been real troopers through all of this and to see their excitement about a whole new world that is about to open up to them is truly priceless.

For now, we leave you with a few more pics before we move in officially. We hope to see everyone soon and please, come by and visit. We'll be sure to have a cold beer/glass of wine ready for you.

Monday, November 9, 2009

It's the Final Countdown --

We have 10 days left. Ten days until we can finally call the house on Daria Circle 'home'. It really did go by fast, a lot faster than we thought it would. So we continue to cross off each day on our countdown calendar, knowing that we only have one more weekend in this apartment. Only two more weeks of having to park one building down because when I get home from work at midnight, there are no more parking spots by our building! Two more weeks of lugging groceries up the stairs and doing laundry out of a closet, while leaning over the garbage can and returnables. It is going to feel like pure heaven to be back in a house. We found out that our neighbors are closing on the 12th, but moving in the same weekend we are (the 20th - 22nd). It's funny how when you're childless (like our neighbors), you take the time in your new home to put up the ceiling fans and get some things taken care of before you move in. When you are a family of 5 in a 3 bedroom apartment, you show up to closing with the van packed to the gills! We're busting out the inflatable mattresses folks! The Nester Family will be sleeping in our new digs as of the 20th.....whatever it takes!! You can go ahead and call us crazy.....yep, we are and so what.

Brad 'measuring' for the mirrors we're going to install. We were wondering how much you like the outlet that they decided to just place through the mirror. Why move an outlet when you can just cut a hole in a mirror?? Wow. They'll be fixing that!

The only thing left to install is the cooktop. This is definitely a dream kitchen for me. Brad is even in awe of it. There will be many meals and treats made in this kitchen. Can't wait to do Christmas cookies this year!!

Looking forward to some relaxation.....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Halloween!

It is our favorite time of the year. A time to decorate the house, carve the pumpkins, sip on some warm cider (we hear Kevin likes cider) and enjoy a little trick-or-treating with the kids. It's been a little different being in the apartment this year, but we definitely have the best decorated balcony in the building! We have our lights up and our usual Halloween decor' hanging up. It makes it feel like 'home'....well, as much as it possibly can. We even decorated the outside of our door with a yellow caution tape that reads "Caution - Enter at your own risk" and a hanging skeleton...which we seem to keep finding in some fairly suggestive positions every morning. The kids get a kick out of it anyway (it is kind of funny).
The best part of Halloween for the Nester Family this year is getting our first round of trick-or-treating in the new neighborhood. The kids are in heaven over the whole idea, it almost seems too good to be true to them. They even have a costume parade for the kids. After spending some time with our new neighbors at the Fall Party, we already feel like we are home. So tonight, we kicked off our Halloween celebration with our pumpkin carving contest..well, it's a contest to me. Everyone else does it for "fun." I'm kidding. Brad has come a lonnnnng way with his pumpkin carving skills. I remember the first year (1999) in our new home in Redford, I brought home the pumpkins to carve and I had to actually scoop the guts out for him. He now does it himself. I'm so proud. The kids had a blast and poor Little B was still feeling a little under the weather and was in bed, so I carved my pumpkin in honor of him. As for the contest......Owen won this year.

Happy Halloween Everyone!! May the Force Be With You!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's official

It is official. Brad got the call today from the secretary at the office that we'll be having our final walk-through on the 17th of November....and closing for sure on the 20th. So that leaves us with 28 days in this apartment. The first thing we did when we got the news was print off a countdown calendar and taped it up on the wall by the pictures of the house. I had the opportunity yesterday to walk through with the 'nice' Canzano Brother. He showed me around and told me what they did and what was going to be done soon. It's amazing. It is way above what we imagined and is really going to be the perfect place for us to be for the next 30+ years. Brad and I are both super excited to have everyone over to celebrate with us! We're thinking we can maybe squeak a little party in between Thanksgiving and Christmas? Let us know who is in!
I foresee this scenario in our near future......We'll have lots of room and sofa sleepers. Bring your sleeping bag!! We'll have 'Waffle Bar Sunday'....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's almost here.

Not too much to say. Just counting down the days 'till we are in the New Nest. We got a little insider info that tells us the closing day will be November 20th. It's almost here......

(insert ear-to-ear-grin here)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Moving right along.

The move-in date appears to be upon the horizon. This whole apartment thing is near the end. It hasn't really been all that horrible but it is definitely something we don't want to do again. I mean, our bedroom is bigger in this apartment than it was in the Redford house...and we have a master bath to boot....but we're done. This one-floor-living-plan is for the birds.

The mortgage app is already rolling and into place, the only thing we are waiting on is an exact closing date. One of the neighbors that just moved in last week actually closed a week earlier than they had planned. That would be dandy. Brad and I still feel that we have to pinch ourselves when we see what we have to look forward to. It's been so amazing for the kids, especially Owen. He is now riding the bus to and from the neighborhood with the Percy and Whalen kids. That 'gang' is going to be so much fun to watch grow up together. Brad said the other day they all got off the bus singing Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' and sang it all the way down the sidewalk to the Percy's. I guess the bus driver has been playing them music on the way home (Kidz Bop, etc.). The Percy's also built a stage in their basement, so that they have a place to perform. I'm sure we'll get some great footage to embarrass them with when they get older.
So brace yourself friends and family, the 'The Nester Nest Party' is coming soon. I can't wait to cook for everyone and Brad can't wait to serve all the frosty, adult beverages.

The driveway, sidewalk and porch are all poured and ready to go.

They've started to install the railing....

and the kitchen cabinets are in.

There are so many more pics to post but our computer is still acting goofy. Sorry these are so small...can't figure out why right now. Hope you can see them OK.

...more to come

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Beezer...

Well, it just occurred to me this morning that Mr. B is 18 months old today. Wow..where has the time gone? It's easy in the day-to-day grind to remember that he is still a baby. I know that sounds weird, but he just goes with the flow so it's easy to lose sight of that.
Not much has changed as far as his fascination with Cars...the Pixar Cars, any cars. He LOVES cars. He also got his first look at Thomas the Tank Engine. Guess it's time to send Daddy into the storage unit to dig out Owen's old Thomas stuff. Brendan still isn't saying a whole lot but is very good at shooting out random words. The other day I went through Tim Horton's to grab a coffee and he yelled out from the backseat "DONUT!!" I guess that's really kind of bad that he can already make that association. If Avery would have been with us, there would have been a 10-pack of Timbits in the car with us. Brendan knows what the box looks like. Oh well, could be worse things. He has also started to recently run around the house saying "Mommyyyy, Mommmyyyy!" It sounds so cute and I just melt. He's been running around saying the same thing with Daddy and I was starting to get a bit jealous. What's up with that?

We are really getting a kick out of him and his babbling. He has so much to say and is literally having a conversation with us..but we just can't totally get what he is saying. There is so much emotion and his voice changes in excitement....but it definitely doesn't sound like English. Brad is convinced that he'll just start talking in full sentences one day. Brendan also loves to try and sing along with us. He sings the Alphabet song which sounds like "A-E, A-E, A-E, AAAA", but he has the tune down to a tee. He also loves the Beatles song "Here Comes the Sun" and hums along with me when I sing it to him at night.

In a nutshell, these past 18 months with him have been wonderful. He was a special gift that was sent to us and made us complete. Brad and I were just talking the other night about how in the midst of all the things we had to go through....we have truly been blessed. My Mom has always told me that "Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy" and I believe that to be 100% true. Even with all of the sadness and uncertainty that we experienced, we wouldn't change the way things went. Brendan has made a lot of those old wounds heal......

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's a Brick....Houuuussse!!

One and a half days worth of work and the brick guys finished their job. Unbelievable!! It looks absolutely amazing and both Brad and I were brought to tears by seeing it nearly completed. I went by the house three times today. Once to drop Owen off at the bus stop, once to get out of the house for a few because all I could think about was the house and then to pick Owen up from the bus stop. It really feels so amazing...

The Brick Guys still hard at work...winding down on a job well done!!

LOVE the brick around the daylight windows. Did we say that this is just amazing??!?

...more to come.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back to the grind.......

The First Day of School. What does that make you think of? To me it means the shortest night of sleep ever, butterflies in my stomach and a hurried morning getting back into the grind. I know it means the same to the kids, too.
This first morning was a pretty smooth one. We arrived early, found Owen's class and started getting him settled into his locker. I walked him into his classroom and met his new teacher. She welcomed him to the school, let him know that she was new to the school this year and that they would be learning together. That was comforting to both Owen and I. We walked around to find his desk and as we did, I could see a few teary eyes in the classroom. Kids that had taken the bus to school this first day and I'm sure had the shortest night of sleep ever, butterflies, and a hurried morning. I couldn't help it, but 'Mother Bear Mode' kicked in and I wanted to just hug them. I know that if their Mom saw them sitting there teary-eyed, they'd fall to pieces themselves. I felt blessed that I was able to accompany Owen to school on this first day...even though he made me go back out in the hall with him to give him a hug and a kiss before we left. He wouldn't let me do that in the classroom.

Avery's first day was great, too. It was hectic but
she was very excited and sat quietly in the back seat as we made the long trek to Livonia. Familiarity is comforting to her, it was nice to see her face light up when we pulled into the parking lot of the school. She has a fantastic teacher, the same one she had last year, and it is amazing to see all of the kids in her class after just a few short months. It's amazing how fast they grow up. I find myself remembering back to when Owen was 4 years old when I see Avery doing the things he did in the same program. The first day they read the Gingerbread Man story and get to make cookies. They put the cookies in the oven and when they come back to check...the gingerbread cookies are gone! They spend the class time looking all over the school and the church, trying to figure out where they went. When they return to the classroom after a long search, they find the Gingerbread Man cookies sitting there on their plates. Avery talked about this the entire ride home...the entire ride. I just turned the radio off and listened to her excitement. At that moment I realized that the first day of 4 year old preschool is gone, next year she'll be in Kindergarten. It's amazing how fast time has gone by...

As for Brendan and I...well, we went to the park after we dropped Avery off. I had the big idea that I could get a good walk in at the park, however Brendan had other ideas. I ended up pushing him on the swing, riding on the slide with him and chasing him along the path....of course, pushing the empty stroller after him. It'll be nice to have this time with each week. We don't get much 'alone time' together. I'm bound to get in my exercise too, whether it's taking him for a nice walk in the stroller....or him taking me for a walk while pushing his stroller. Either way, it'll be fun.

Monday, August 31, 2009

...and wouldn't you know, it looks like a real house!

Without further adieu dear friends and family, The New Nest has a roof! It took them one whole day to git 'er done. We also had a chance to talk to one of the builders (one of the bosses) today. He said that we should be in by late November, first of December without a problem! Looks like we'll be spending our first Christmas in The New Nest in '09! Yeah!!!!! Santa now has a chimney to come down, instead of the 'special magic key' we used to hang on the door for him.
We will send some more updates mid-week, as the windows will be in TOMORROW!! After the windows go in and the shingles are put on, it won't look like much but 2x4's in pics we take inside...but you can bet we'll be taking some anyway. Thanks to all of our friends and family that have sent their well wishes and excitement our way! This is really a wonderful time for us and we look forward to having lots of gatherings and celebrations....yes, we plan on getting grass as soon as we can in the spring. If not, we'll just move the party across the street to the Percy's or the Whalen's...they won't mind ;)

...till next time.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nest News

~Week of August 3rd - 7th~

The Rough Framing Commences!They are really plugging along on the house. We've been told that the exterior/interior framing and roof go up really's the interior that seems to take forever! Well, we can already see how easily it is to get excited at the progress, but then look to our neighbors and see that their house seems to be at a least from the outside! We know that they have the plumbing in and that the electrical must be there too because the Percy's said they saw the heating/cooling guys there the other day. How wonderful it is to have our 'spies' in the neighborhood!

Garage --Brad LOVES the two big windows in his 3-car garage!

Back of garage and the back of the morning room, to the left. Below the morning room will be two windows, as well.

It's going to be rough looking through the window at this day-in and day-out ;)

Two story foyer -- nice big window up above and a great doorway.

Looking through the front window of the 'study'..front door is to the right. We will also have a front porch, just like the Redford house!


**As soon as we get our computer fixed, we'll upload more pics. As of August 25th, we have a second floor and three walls! We're sure that we'll have a roof on by next week.*

Monday, August 17, 2009

Building the new nest...

Summer is flying by. The kids will be going back to school in a few weeks. There hasn't been time to keep everyone updated on our lives, because we can't keep up either!!

Owen played coach pitch baseball this summer...

Avery has been enjoying the summer sun...

And Beezer is about as cool as they come...

Stacey and Koo were married...

and our new nest is coming together fast...

The construction of our new home is exciting, scary, emotional, stressfull, exciting and exciting! Did we mention how exciting this is?

It all started as grass and dirt...

From the dirt footings rise...

Next thing you know, we have a basement....

....looking forward to more sunsets like this from our 'deck'.

The view from the back, before the backfill was completed. We discovered that our lot actually extends a lot wider than we had thought and there is a nice ravine between our house and the neighbor to our left.

...days later the lot was graded and backfilled. The kids are excited about having a real yard to play in! Owen, Avery, B and Daddy running up the future driveway.

....each day (which is literally every single day) that we check on the site, there is something new! We're certain that the builders have a nickname for me..."Crazy Lady, Minivan Stalker". Here, the first floor is completed! Not quite sure where I am standing, but we think it is the nook....although it could be a closet.
And all of this was completed in about two weeks...WOW!!!!


Sunday, July 26, 2009

A New Chapter

A new chapter in our lives. In lieu of being able to sell our house right now, we decided to lease it out. It doesn't feel like a failure because we didn't sell, we just chose another direction...a 'detour', if you will. Like I have stated before, Brad and I have conquered many challenges in our lives together. It seems that no matter what is put before us we always find a way to bend, twist, and figure out how to make things happen. I guess they call that flexibility and I would think that is a positive attribute. So the papers were signed and two weeks later, off we were to the "Transitional Housing Unit." So far, so good.

Even though the move is something that we've dreamed of for a long time, it has been bittersweet. The Woodworth House was our beginning. We settled there as a couple looking to our future, returned to it after our honeymoon, started raising our family and held many family gatherings. It was our home and the only home that our kids have known. All three of our children celebrated their First Birthday's there, not to mention all of the other 'firsts' that have encircled their lives. First steps, first ice cream cone, first skinned knee. I honestly couldn't imagine having any of those 'firsts' anywhere else. That was our home, it always welcomed us and brought us comfort. Even some of the not so wonderful life events, the Woodworth House was a 'safe' place for us. And now it seems that the next chapter is beginning for us. We may have left behind the place where we once lived and began our life together, but the home that provided the foundation for our family will always be dear to us.

This year was the first year since Brad and I have been together that we didn't make it Up North (in some shape or form) for our 4th of July week-long vacation. In the past, even having a 2 week old baby hasn't even been able to stop us from going (although it was a long car ride as new parents, but so worth it). So it was a strange feeling to be home. We put Beezer down for bed and let Owen and Avery stay up with us on our last night in the house. Brad got a fire going in our 'city fire pit,' we had Hot Shmoes (S'Mores -- the kids call 'em Shmoes), and Mom and Dad had some beverages to take the edge off. It was really a great night. The kids talked about some of their favorite memories in the house, what they'll miss and what they are looking forward to. Brad and I sat back and watched as they caught fireflies for the last time in that backyard, something they've always loved to do. Later on, Brad broke out the 'big guns' and started with his fireworks display. I say that lightly because he purchased the fireworks from Kroger...good Michigan-safe fireworks. After he lit the first 'fountain-type' one Avery said, "That's it?? Those stink!" We couldn't help but laugh because all she has ever seen are the fireworks at the Livonia Spree and the fireworks display the Gonos' Family have each year at Higgins Lake. We got a good laugh out of it, as each time Brad lit the next one and it was over the response from both was "LAME!" A wonderful memory to have of our last night in the Woodworth House....
Brad's Fireworks Display -- OOOH, AHHHH!
Owen enjoying the "City Fire."

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Best Intentions....

So, with this blog thing....I had the best intentions. Well, Brad and I both had the best intentions. Turns out life has been really busy and has been clipping along at a fast pace, especially this past year.

The Job --

I started a new job at a new hospital in late April. I was reluctant to make a change, but it has turned out to be the best decision for our family. Sure, it would've been ideal to continue to work 8 hours a week but it was truly a stretch financially to do that. I am blessed to have a career that allows me to compress my schedule and still be home with the kids. It's a win-win and I feel very proud to be contributing to the family finances once again. It also feels good to get back into my career and reap the benefits of all the blood, sweat, and tears that I put into getting my degree. Believe me....nursing school wasn't a walk in the park. So all that aside, we've all adjusted very well. The 12 hour shifts are long, but knowing I only have to do 2 makes it that much easier..and the kids look forward to the 5 days that I am home!

The House --

As for our home, we still have a 'For Sale' sign in front of it. No takers, not at this time...that is unless you want to give it away, let it go back to the bank, or burn it down. We don't want to do any of the aforementioned, so our plan is to rent the place out and begin building our new home. The moving/building/renting thing is a bit scary, but we've been able to conquer pretty much everything that has been set before us in the 13 years we've been together. Brad and I both have total faith in our decision for this move and know that we won't look back. The kids are ecstatic about being across the street from the Percy's and all of the new friends that they'll have in the neighborhood. This is something we've talked about with them for years and always thought we'd be in rocking chairs before it happened. It's so surreal, but we're pretty sure when they pour the basement and ask for the first'll become all too real! We can't wait!

The kids --

They are doing fantabulous. Summer vacation has been a blast and they've pretty much been outside enjoying the water slide on a daily basis. That water slide has lasted us three full summers, going on the fourth! Sure, it doesn't blow up as firmly as it once did but that doesn't stop them. Best investment in summer play equipment we've made. Water bill gets a little high, but there could be worse things. The important thing is that they are having fun! Brendan LOVES to be outside. That child throws a fit when it is time to come in, so it is imperative to time it with a meal/snack time. Food or beverage always wins. We've had to nearly surgically remove him from his wading pool. Brendan's little fingers and toes were so 'pruney', we didn't think they'd go back to normal! He's so awesome. As for Owen and Avery, they are so funny. Those two are like frick and frack. Some of the things they come up with just kill us. Owen has Avery into trading Pokemon cards with him...she even DVR's the Pokemon cartoon, so they can watch it together. Brad and I have just about had it with anything to do with Pokemon.....yeah, we've reached that stage in our lives where our kids are into something that we just don't "get." Oh well, won't be the first time.

So, just a quick update and a few pics to let you all know that we're still alive and kickin'. We are 99% sure that the big move to the 'transitional housing unit' (a.k.a. Apartment) will be happening within the next few weeks. Apartment living again, just like the old days. Well, except we have a little extra baggage...

Monday, February 16, 2009

It's a New Year and Life Goes On....

Beezer -- We can't wrap our heads around the fact that our little monkey, Mr. B, is going to be a year old. He still amazes us everyday. His personality has really emerged over the past few months. Likes: crawling/army crawling everywhere and anywhere he can, cruising the furniture, putting anything in his mouth, putting fingers in outlets, climbing stairs, eating the remote control, you name it. Dislikes: being pulled away from any of the above mentioned, peas, and being restrained for any reason. We truly thought that Avery was our 'Curious George', but have quickly realized that Brendan definitely fits the bill. He wants to know about everything and having three children, we can definitely see the difference in him. We never had to truthfully 'child-proof' things in our home. Yeah, we locked up the solvents, cleaners, and bad stuff..but we've been pretty lacks on the outlets and keeping the floor absolutely spotless. Hey, with children it is absolutely impossible..unless you are a total freak and mop/sweep your floor 5 times a day. I don't have time for that. If there is a small piece of paper, he'll find it. If there is a morsel of food that has missed the quick sweep of the morning, he's got it. I guess we'll never have to worry about him going hungry (ha-ha...most of you will find humor in that comment). I guess all of his mischief evens out the total wonderful disposition that this child has. God definitely waited to send us this angel. He is truly a gift from God for many reasons. I mean, sometimes I find that we have to pinch ourselves when we sit back and think about how great of a baby he has been. Doesn't cry much, sleeps really good, naps, eats well, and just has an overall pleasant disposistion. Well, I guess when you put it up next to Thing 2, anything less than that would be an improvement (we love Avery to pieces, she is just a little 'trying' on the nervous system). But it has been a wonderful year and we have enjoyed every moment. Even though he is our third child, all of the 'firsts' have been just as special as they were with Owen and Avery. He is now saying 'done' and waving bye-bye or night-night, and he loves to say 'uh-oh!" We are looking forward to each day, as it brings a little glimpse into the little person he is becoming.

Avery Mei -- Miss Avery. She is still a ball of energy. She still loves her ballet slippers, pink crocs (fleece ones, for the winter), tutu's, and any dress of any kind. Avery loves a good pair of tights, preferably striped or flowered, definitely pink. Pink anything, actually. Looking back, I now think that all of the pink clothing that she received as a newborn was just a small glimpse into the Pepto-Bismol world that we'd be submerged in with her taste in color..clothes, shoes, tights, you name it. I got her a dress from Old Navy for the spring and if she hasn't worn that thing everyday, in the house, for the past two weeks. She just loves dresses and loves to dance around..just like her favorite Princess Giselle (for those of you that have seen Enchanted). Good thing Mommy can sort of carry a tune, it helps when Avery requests one of Giselle's songs. Then there are the daily makeovers and the seventeen layers of lipgloss she likes to apply to her 'victims', er I mean, 'customers'. I secretly pray that she gets past the lipgloss phase because the mere thought of cake/frosting flavored/scented lipgloss makes me gag. But she is truly a Daddy's Girl and has Daddy wrapped around her little finger. Although with all the begging, pleading, and eyelash batting, she hasn't quite convinced him that she needs a kitty cat for a pet that she can name "Hello Kitty." Daddy won't budge on that one and I really don't blame him. Kids make a big enough mess! As for school, she has really grown so far this year. All the worries about her not caring about knowing the alphabet have been swept aside. She is constantly asking about letters and even has taken on a desire to write her own name. She is quite good at coloring and loves to draw, just like her big brother. Avery also loves to make people laugh. She has nearly made milk, or some other liquid substance, come out of Owen's nose on several occasions. Her latest thing, walking around like an old lady, all hunched over, making 'old lady sounds' and shaking her imaginary cane. It is quite hilarious, actually and we wonder if we have a future Gilda Radner or Molly Shannon, on our hands here. Whomever she becomes or whatever she decides to do, she'll make some guy really happy someday. She's tough, adventurous, strong-willed, and funny. She may be a lot to handle now, but she'll be able to hold her own later!

Owen -- Last, but certainly never least, Owen. He is such a sweet, caring little boy. The other day, I was making his lunch and I asked him what kind of sandwich he wanted in his lunch. His reply.."Whatever is easier for you, Mommy." I stopped what I was doing and asked him again and he came over to me, put his hand on my back and said, "Mommy, whatever is easier for you is fine." God, I love that child! But seriously, he is smart, sensitive, and curious. He loves to make people happy and hurts deeply when people are sad. Owen reminds me a lot of someone else that I love very, very much...he is just like his Daddy. Always thinking of other's first, even if it is at his expense. Just like his Daddy, there isn't one selfish bone in that kids' body. Not one. He will make a wonderful husband and father someday.

As for school, all is well (above and beyond) in that department. He is being challenged enough to stay focused and that is a relief to us. We are very fortunate that he has such wonderful teachers. He is also learning other wonderful things at school from his friends, like trying to sneak his Star Wars trading cards into his coat pocket to play with on the bus. A big no-no. We especially love his friends that have older siblings. It's amazing what comes out of their mouths sometimes. Owen has really had a great time in first grade and the adjustment went fairly smoothly. I do notice that he definitely needs some 'down time' when he gets home, as he immediately makes a beeline to the basement to play quietly with his Legos. Remember when life was simple like that??

The big event of this year so far is that Owen lost the first of his two front teeth. I swear if that thing wasn't hanging on by a thread. Even though I am a Nurse in the operating room, teeth give me the willies. I HATE loose teeth. Maybe it is because I am exposed to teeth in their absolute worst state (i.e. rotten, abscess, etc.), when the patients come in to get them pulled in the O.R. Maybe it is because my parents took me to a dentist in Farmington that didn't use Novocaine when he did my fillings. I was 5 when I got my first one, the dentist chair was a harvest gold color, and there was an oil painting hanging on the wall directly in front of the chair. It was a 'fall scene' and I was already practicing meditation way before I knew what it was. Anyway, I just don't like teeth. So after two nights of major tooth wiggling, Daddy helped pull it out. He looks like such a big boy, now. I still don't know where all of the time with him has gone. It truly seems like it wasn't so long ago that it was just Owen and the two of us. It's important to take every opportunity to enjoy a snuggle when he requests it, or even to sit on my lap. Those moments are fleeting and frankly, might look a little weird when he is 16. The inevitable part of raising a family....seeing your kids grow up and become independant. A proud moment because you see that you've done some things right, but at the same time sad because you realize all of the time that has gone by.